▼英國連鎖超市Iceland Foods得知Chester動物園的現狀後霸氣伸出援手,他們決定收養動物園中所有的企鵝:「Chester動物園保護了35000多瀕臨滅絕的動物,但現在面臨無限期閉園的危機。」Iceland Foods表示,他們已經收養了所有的企鵝,希望能夠幫助動物園度過難關。
?? SAVE THE ZOO ?? @chesterzoo has over 35,000 threatened and critically endangered animals but may have to close its doors for good as the government has ordered them to stay closed indefinitely.
Please visit the website to see how you can help: https://t.co/TNSNGkfRBQ pic.twitter.com/csQJv9nZLX
— Iceland Foods ❄️ (@IcelandFoods) June 8, 2020
▼Chester動物園在社群網站上發起#SaveOurZoo活動,請求民眾捐款或收養動物,幫助這些動物們在牠們熟悉的地方繼續生活。Iceland Foods收養所有的企鵝,無疑幫了大忙。
▼Iceland Foods的總經理Richard Walker表示:「得知Chester動物園的近況後我們都很難過。Chester動物園對我們來說很重要,也備受很多家庭的喜愛。我小時候就去過Chester動物園,我的孩子們也很喜歡去玩。我們很榮幸能夠提供幫助!」
We’ve joined the fight to save @chesterzoo and have adopted the penguins ?
The zoo has over 35,000 threatened and critically endangered animals but may have to close its doors for good due to COVID-19 law.
See how you can help or adopt an animal: https://t.co/TNSNGkxt0q pic.twitter.com/UbGAM9kiLI
— Iceland Foods ❄️ (@IcelandFoods) June 5, 2020